Michael Antonorsi
I am a very curious person and deeply interested in human behavior — what makes us suffer and why and what makes us happy. But I’ve found that the intellectual level falls dramatically short against the experiential level in the process of self-discovery.
When I met Angelika and had my first breathing session, I was in awe. I became an instant fan and knew this type of therapy would help me significantly in finding out how I live. Clearing myself out of old emotional blockages was something I became rapidly interested in, and I also thought about the benefits my daughters would have if they could experience this and clear their emotional baggage accounts as well. And so they have.
Angelika takes transformational breath to another level. Her intuitive way of combining her extensive kinesiology knowledge in her breath therapies permits you to explore the deepest corners of your soul. Her loving presence and compassionate understanding of human nature invites you to open up and heal deep wounds of your past.
Her sessions are magical and you feel rejuvenated and light at the end of them. Your stressful feelings and blocked emotions melt away under her loving expert hands and your mind becomes clear and lucid. The world would be a better world if everyone could experience Angelika’s healing touch.
Michael Antonorsi (Master Chocolatier, CHUAO)
San Diego, California